When everything in our lives goes nicely and we are happy we find it easy to praise the Lord.
But, the sacrifice of praise is something we offer to God when the things around us seem to go wrong. It is the praise that we offer to God when we do not feel like praising Him at all.
This kind of praise does not come easily nor is it a cheap thing. It is rather costly. But, it brings special delight to the heart of our heavenly Father, and He loves to receive such sacrifice of praise.
It was indeed sacrifice of praise which Paul and Silas offered to God at midnight when they were bound and imprisoned in the dark dungeon.
They were beaten with many stripes. Their backs were bleeding. Their wounds were raw. Every inch of their muscle was painful. Their hands and feet were chained and it was midnight - the time when the human spirit was at lowest ebb.
Normally, no one in this terrible situation would feel like praising God! They would in all probability pray to God to deliver them, but praising Him in this circumstance is really hard to understand!
But, Paul and Silas SANG PRAISES to the Lord at that critical hour!

Dear friends, it is the praise that we offer to God when situations are adverse, makes His heart glad and He answers us immediately. The world may say that we are mad.
Our own natural feelings may argue against us. But, let us rise up above the normal. Deep inside our hearts we know that the Lord is worthy to be praised and He is the same yesterday, today and forever. So let us praise His wonderful Name, no matter how adverse the circumstances are!
“By Him therefore let us offer the sacrifice of praise to God continually.” (Hebrews 13: 15)
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