"Turn to God and change the way you think and act, because the kingdom of heaven is at hand." Matthew 2:3

Friday, April 15, 2011


Randy was a drunkard for nearly ten years.

Every Friday night after receiving his weekly salary he would straight away go to the wine shop with his friends and would drink his money out.

He would reach home late in the night, abuse his wife and children and the entire house would be like hell, But by the immense grace of God, one day Randy accepted Christ as his Savior .He confessed his sin and made a firm decision that he would not drink anymore.

As usual once again the payday came. It was Friday. Randy with the money in hand was walking home passing through the wine shop and the Holy Spirit whispered to him to go home straight.

At the same time, Satan kindled his fleshly desire saying, ‘Just one little drink”. Randy tried to resist. But Satan tried another trick. He said, “Just go inside with your friends, but don’t drink”. This seemed a good idea for Randy.

He went inside the wine shop but alas, he fell into the temptation. He drank his ‘heart-full’, returned home and his family encountered the same torture.

The next day the Holy Spirit convicted Randy and he felt extremely guilty and miserable.

He pleaded with God and then with his wife to forgive him. In his quiet time, the Holy Spirit instructed him to change his route from his work spot to his home to escape the temptation of the wine shop.

Randy obeyed the voice of God and on next Friday, the pay day, he said good bye to his friends once for all and took a different route to his home, reached home happily as a victorious man. The entire family rejoiced and praised the Lord.

Dear friends, Satan is always at work in the life of every child of God.

He does not bother about us as long as we live according to the ways of the world; but once we make a commitment to follow Jesus, he somehow wants to distract us, and make us drift from the Truth.

But let us resist him in the name of Jesus. Let us make a resolution to listen to the voice of the Holy Spirit and obey what He says.

If we do so we will not only bring happiness in our lives, but also please God who is our Creator.

Let's say this little Prayer : Loving heavenly Father, I thank you for redeeming me from sin. Help me not to fall into temptation. Empower me by Your Holy Spirit to live a victorious Christian life. In Jesus name I pray. Amen. 

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