"Turn to God and change the way you think and act, because the kingdom of heaven is at hand." Matthew 2:3

Saturday, February 11, 2012


This is a study based on God's blueprint for the ideal women as set forth in the Bible in Proverbs 31.
Society seems to imply that a woman’s worth is found in her physical beauty. Others assume that the ideal woman in the Bible is retiring, docile and entirely domesticated. This is however very contrary to how an ideal woman is perceived in the Bible.
The book of proverbs presents a portrait of an ideal woman who is a total contradiction of the woman portrayed in the silver screen as something attractive and desirable. This woman is full of character, wisdom, compassion and has many skills that she uses for the betterment of her family. This woman is an excellent wife and mother.

This ideal woman is hard working and utilizes whatever is at her disposal to cater for the needs of her family. Her husband trusts her because she does him only good and not evil. This is the kind of woman who is responsible for the family’s budget and weighs everything first before acting. Her husband has learnt to share with her everything because he benefits from her wisdom.
She is the first to rise and probably the last to bed. She feeds her whole family with the fruit of her labor. She also treats her workers well and takes care of their needs.  She is a realtor and invests in property from her profits, (Proverbs 31: 15,16,18). She makes sure that her family is well clothed and tailors their clothes herself. She is fashionable and dresses elegantly, (Proverbs 31:20-22).  This is not the picture of a docile woman but a purposeful woman who knows herself and utilizes her gifts and talents well for the betterment of her family.
This woman protects family secrets and will not indulge in idle gossip. She protects her husband’s reputation and fights for her children. Because of this her husband is respected amongst other men and praises her. Her children respect and honor her and call her “blessed”, (Proverbs 31:27-28).
This woman is honorable and when she speaks she does so with words of kindness full of wisdom. She will not go out to seek attention and neither is she self righteous but her work speaks for her, (Proverbs 31: 26, 31).
Yet this woman’s strength and dignity is not based on her amazing achievements, charm or beauty but on her REVERENCE OF GOD.
In our society where physical appearance counts for so much, it may surprise into realize that her appearance is never mentioned. Her attractiveness entirely comes from her character.
The book of proverbs begins with the command to fear the Lord and ends with the picture of a woman who fulfills this command.
Few women can be all these but this should not discourage one to assume that they can never be her. The attributes described could be a validation of the many roles women hold in a family and society at large. A woman should consider this portrait as an inspiration to be all she can be.
And finally, only a woman can define how she wants to be perceived which will be determined by her actions.
I’m thankful to my wife for being my inspiration – May God bless you through this!
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