"Turn to God and change the way you think and act, because the kingdom of heaven is at hand." Matthew 2:3

Monday, October 10, 2011


We all know there are bacteria, pathogens and other microscopic organisms in our bodies right now that can kill us.

And there are dozens of other common micro organisms and viruses all around and inside our bodies that could kill us as well…if it wasn’t for something else we were created with – OUR IMMUNE SYSTEM. The immune system is one of the best defenses we have against sickness and disease.
The immune system is a very complex one and has three primary functions:
§  To keep potential pathogens that exists in our body in check.
§  Fight against the attack of other harmful pathogens from outside the body that somehow invade that closed system.
§  It also prepares itself against future invasions – This is the basis for Vaccine technology.
Basically a vaccine is a nonlethal dose of some dangerous virus that’s introduced into the physical system, to allow the body to build up a resistance against that specific threat. That’s in fact, exactly how the influenza and small pox vaccines operate. But it’s our immune system that does the actual work – it’s the immune system that God created in us that enables our body to stay healthy against those viral and bacterial invaders.
But what happens if the human immune system is compromised?
Once the immune system is compromised – it’s very difficult for the body to successfully fight and defend against one of these unfriendly, ever-present micro organisms and the result tends to be fatal.
For the point of this illustration let’s consider the HIV pathogen, which stands for Human Immuno-deficiency Virus.
It’s important to note that viruses, including HIV, cannot replicate on their own. In order to survive, HIV must invade a healthy cell in your body. They like to invade the special "bug-fighting" cells called “CD4” that help the body's immune system protect against germs and viruses that can make us sick.
The HIV uses different enzymes present in our body that are responsible for a variety of cell functions to gain entry to the healthy CD4 cell invading its command-and-control center which is called the nucleus. Once that healthy command center is breached, the HIV takes control inserting its own destructive instructions into the cellular operation so that the reprogrammed CD4 cell will make new HIV copies instead of protective CD4 fighters.
The HIV infected CD4 cell is now an HIV factory - only pumping out HIV and tell other CD4 cells to do the same - and is no longer able to tell the rest of the body how to fight and defend against the other pathogens in the body.
What happens is, the body doesn’t die from the HIV the body dies because the HIV blocks the immune system from doing its previous job of fighting and defending against microscopic attacks which allows other common germs or bacteria - those ever-present bugs in our body to spread, multiply and ultimately kill the body.
The above example of the immune system as well as the insidious nature of HIV will help us better understand the spiritual battle of sin we face everyday.
The potential for the deadly sin is always present in the “body” of a believer, in much the same way that the deadly common germs and bacteria are ever present in our physical body.
Ø Physically speaking, those micro organisms can kill, but our immune system delivers us.
Ø And spiritually speaking, that potential for sin could ultimately kill us as well; however, believing in Jesus is the spiritual immune system that delivers us.
Sin mirrors a killer spiritual virus that’s kept in check through faith. But if we allow that sin the opportunity, the spiritual immune system of the believer can be compromised. Such a compromise then allows the sinful nature, which was dormant in our lives to be resurrected.
Look at the first man Adam and his wife Eve. They indulged in a “simple sin.” They “just disobeyed” the Lord. But see how disastrous its consequences were! Their sin infected not only them but all their descendants. A single sin multiplied, took thousands of forms, and has captured every human on the face of the earth today thus leading them to eternal death.

Similarly, our souls are diseased because of the sin that originated with Adam and Eve. It is true that we are sinners by birth. But the good news is there is a way to get rid of this sin in our lives and that is, to be cleansed by the blood of Jesus Christ shed on the cross for every sinner.

Dear friend, there is no need for you to live infected with sin all through your live and face eternal death. Bring your soul today to the Great Physician, Jesus Christ and handover the task to Him.

You can truly trust Him. He will surely heal your soul of sin and make it live forever.

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