He knows the nature’s secret: To get the best, give the best to the best.
Likewise, you need to ask yourself, "What is the best that I have given from my side?" When you visited your church, what was the best you gave? Did you offer prayer with love and devotion? Did you promise to give up any of your undesirable habits in you? Did you take any oath? Or did you just go for leisure? What are your offerings to God from your end?
Only when you give something or sow a seed to God, does God work on it to increase it manifold by turning the seed into a magnificent tree.
God tells us, “Give me something first so that I can begin to work on it and multiply it.”
But you expect success, comforts, good health, love, security, power, fame, money and so forth from God. But in turn what are you first giving God to work upon?
You have seen and marveled how a seed sown in the soil develops and multiplies into a bumper harvest. “How does this miracle happen?” The miracle takes place by sowing the best seeds in the best land, at the best time.
Once the seeds are sown, the farmer does not leave his farm until a year. He takes care of the farm and waits patiently. You need to be like the farmer. Sow your seeds of faith and do not leave the field.
The seed of faith could mean any of or similar to the following:
Giving your time to someone
Praying deeply for somebody
Donating money for a good cause
Serving someone
Helping someone monetarily
Standing for others to get them out of their difficulties using your skill, understanding and wisdom
Feeding the hungry
Helping the poor, sick, homeless and orphans
Sharing someone’s pain & grief
Helping people get rid of ignorance
On sowing your seed of faith, do not lose patience and run away from your problems. Keep faith, it will surely yield results. But you need to be present there to reap the fruit. If you get scared of events or leave the ground dejected, it would mean that you have lost faith in God. Never allow this to happen.
Man leaves his ground of action as soon as he faces some difficulties in his life, due to which his faith begins to weaken. He never understands that troubles have come to him to teach him the lesson of life.
If you have sown the seed of faith, wait patiently having full conviction that due to your seed of faith your difficulty is now going to be resolved in a miraculous way. God is working on the seed of faith you have sown and as a result of that He is going to give back to you multiplying it a thousand times in the form of wealth, riches, and fulfillment. Never lose your patience. Wait a little more. Keep up your faith. Don’t give trouble to God by leaving the field; do not make Him chase after you to give you the fruit.
Until now, you have done a lot; you have given a lot to God. That means, you have sown several seeds of faith. But these seeds have been sown unconsciously.
You always expect from others in return. But you stopped expecting from God. This ignorance, lack of faith, and unconsciousness is the reason for all your sufferings. You never give God a chance to work on your seeds of faith, hence you never saw the fruits. It is like someone depositing a cheque in a bank to withdraw cash, and then not waiting to collect the money. Never make such blunders anymore.
Sow your seeds of faith and expect only from God. God, in return will meet all your necessities.
We have forgotten ‘GIVING’. We reason that by giving we lose and get depreciated. But the fact is that whatever you give others shall return back to you manifold.
Happiness increases several times by sharing and reduces by holding it back. Therefore, learn to give. It doesn’t matter what you give or how much you give. What’s important is ‘GIVING’. He, who gives, receives a lot, and when he receives a lot, he gives even more.
God does love a cheerful giver. So, Let nothing deprive you from giving... Keep on giving.....your best!
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